Meditation Feb. 22, 2015

Dear Sangha,

We are doing a reading from a series called Living with Awareness for us for our discussion tonight.  I encourage you to practice the exercise and then discuss on Sunday Feb. 22nd.  Meditation will begin at 6:30 – 8pm with the last half hour being for the discussion (optional participation).
This series is From the website and we are using the materials with permission of the author for educational purposes.  
If you still need a copy of this, please contact me. ( and I will send it to you asap!
 I have included a small intro to the material.  Karen

Living With Awareness is a 28 day meditation event exploring the practice of mindfulness. (We will be using the materials for our discussion for the next few months, not 28 days!)

Mindfulness is the gentle effort to be continuously present with our experience. When we’re not mindful, we get carried away with our thoughts and emotions, which leads to stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and distractedness.

When the quality of mindfulness is present, we have a greater ability to choose our thoughts and emotions. It has been clinically proven to reduce stress, promote feelings of wellbeing, and improve mental and physical health.

This event is suitable for people of all levels of experience, including complete beginners.